Wednesday, November 4, 2009

36 hours?

Dude, could my posts be any more boring? Probably not. Sorry gang. This is one of the reasons I stopped blogging. It's hard to be happy (or at least fake happy) all the time. So you're getting the real me this month. Sorry about that.

The real me would like to request that we have 36 hour days from now on so I can at least have the possibility of getting everything done, and still get eight hours of sleep a night. Can someone arrange that for me? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Oh well. I should have a little more time tomorrow night. Hopefully I can post something remotely interesting. Or at least fake happy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you are taking on the challenge too. Although I still have to ask myself what on earth I was thinking when I signed up...shouldn't I have eased back into blogging a little more slowly?

    I'd love to have longer days as well, but they would probably fill up even more than now!


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